Pandora Street


We've done the math and read the tea leaves.  We've figured out a price list that will make this all work and get you all climbing for the best price we can offer.

First, all memberships are valid in the new gym at their regular expiry date. In fact, we'll be adding time to make up for the change over close down.  Same goes for punches left on your punch pass, they never expire. 

For a limited time, the year pass is $800 and starts the day we open on Pandora.  That means you're climbing for free on John Street. Buy it today and you're getting 13 months for the price of 12. Existing membership? You keep your expiry date and we credit you any time between closing on John and opening on Pandora.  Talk to us at the desk for details.

Year Membership
Adult $800
Student $680
Early Entrance $550 (In by 2pm - $6 top up if in late) [starting on Pandora]

Day Passes [starting on Pandora]
Adult $18 (10x punch card $158)
Student $16 (10x punch card $136)
Power Hour $11.43 (That's $12 with the tax)

3 Month Membership
Adult $300
Student $265

For now, the day pass, punch card and one month rates stay at the old rate as long as we are on John Street.

We will be announcing prices for our Beginner Lesson, Lead Lesson and other programs (including things like morning yoga) once we work them out. There will be member discounts on programs.

Once we open on Pandora, we will also be offering a monthly Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) membership for ongoing climbing at a monthly rate.  No contract. No cancellation fee.

EFT Rate (No extra $100 for existing members)
Adult $172 first month and $72 per month thereafter. 
Student $159 first month and $59 per month thereafter.

Use the EFT Membership to create your own membership of any length. For a 3 month membership by EFT an adult would pay 172+72+72=$316 instead of our $300 upfront rate. Want a four or five month membership but we don't offer them? You can make that happen with our EFT Membership. When it's time to cancel, let us know.

Taxes are extra and prices may change at any time.