Pandora Street

June 1, 2020

We have an opening date!

Thank you so much to all the people who kept us going through the long COVID19 shutdown. We could not have done it without you!

We will be reopening with top-rope, lead-climbing and bouldering. Auto-belays too.

While BC is in Phase 2 we will be operating in a way that minimizes the chance of outbreak while still allowing climbing to happen at Crag X.

During Phase 2:

  • To limit capacity and maintain physical distancing, climbers will have to book a time to have their climbing session.

  • To decrease chance of spread everyone will be required to wear a face covering while in the building.

  • In order to limit spread we will be making some physical changes (screens, fountain shut off etc) and behaviour changes (studio capacity limit, hand-washing when you enter and before you leave the gym, refraining from socializing outside of your climbing partner etc)

  • Only swipe and go climbers who already have a belay test can climb at the gym. This means Members and punch-card holders only. No non-belayers or children.

  • If you have never been to Crag X, you can not climb in this first stage. We will announce when we can start adding new climbers.

  • Extra procedures (breaks, first aid methods and equipment etc) to protect staff are being put in place.

  • A spirit of minimizing the risk to our climbing community and the larger Victoria community will motivate every decision we make about how to operate Crag X

To find our more about Booking a COVID-Slot Climbing Session (and staggering your arrival), see our page on booking.

A COVID FAQ is where we put the answers to the things that need to be clarified.

A guide to being an COIVID19 minimizing climber will help you think about your part in all this.

Some things we will add to our Phase 2 operations as we get the first steps figured out:

Things that will change as time goes on and BC transitions to Phase 3:

  • Relaxation of Face Covering wearing (if BC Health directs/allows)

  • Small groups

  • Increased studio capacity

  • Drop-In Climbing for Punch Pass holders

  • Drop in Climbing by Day Pass purchase

As you can see there is lots to figure out as we move towards June 1st. Check back here and we will keep you up to date.

Thanks for your support and see you at the gym!
